About Me

Hi! I'm Flake, also. I sometimes go by Neal Rice, so you can call me that too, if you want.

I used to be on Twitter a lot but now I'm not. The site went to shit and I hated it. I took about a half a year off and recollected myself and now I'm still online, just elsewhere.

I write; not often. Most of my stories are about gay animals, and you can check them out by going to my gay animal writing website.

You can get a hold of me pretty easily by messaging me instantly or by sending me an email; I read and reply to every one I get. You can also leave me an anonymous question and I'll answer it on my social media accounts. I'm particularly good at career advice but with the disclaimer that it's on you if you choose to take it. You can ask me about myself, my fursonas, my writing, for help, and that kind of thing.

Beyond that I don't have much else to say about myself, really. My partner says to tell you I've got a good face, so I suppose I'll mention that. Otherwise, that's about it!

I hope the rest of your day goes smoothly. Take care!

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